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1. Team Communication – Slack It is a multi-function team tool. It allows for team messaging. Another function is the channels each member can create. And it works…


Problem 4 (continuation of Problem 3): 0204 What time to reserve Atlas Cafe for and whether to book a taxi or a loaner car: Algorithm in English (just…


Problem 3 (0203) : Adrian Dhalla Calculating where to land: Algorithm in English: Start program Input bookedLandingTimeCourtenay Input windDelayedProjectedLandingTimeCourtenay Compare windDelayedProjectedLandingTimeCourtenay to bookedLandingTimeCourtenay If windDelayedProjectedLandingTimeCourtenay is later time…


Problem 2 (0202) Adrian Dhalla Safe Landing Algorithm in English Start program Find out and input the windSpeed in knots If windSpeed is less than or equal to…